Jayne here! Easter is in 2 days! Are you scrambling to get it all set up like me? I always think I have everything under control weeks in advance... then the day before I realize ALL the things I forgot. My husband always jokes that the things I worry about last minute don't even matter. And he's right. I think as women we put unnecessary pressure on ourselves to make things bigger and better - to make a "pinterest" worthy holiday.
Our kids don't need that. They don't care. They need us.
Here's a few tips we came up with to help you have a meaningful Easter holiday.

Less is more. Don't jam pack your Holiday. Enjoy fully 1 thing, rather than surviving through 50 things. Strategically plan with what will be best with your kids sleeping schedules. 
Get off your phone this upcoming Easter Holiday! Don't try to record all your memories on social media. While I love Instagram as much as the rest of us, put your memories in a place that will actually last for your kids! It'll take five minutes to write down what your child loved about Easter this year in our journals (honestly... it's that quick). Be present. Don't stress and force your kids to smile for the perfect Easter photo. Embrace the chaos. Focus on what really matters : )
Perspective makes ALL the difference. I remember this one time, I was sooooo annoyed with my kids. Driving me craaazy. I was all exhausted and was thinking this mom stuff was overrated. Then Beau wanted to jump on my neighbor's tramp, so I went over with her. She bounced too high and landed face first on her neck. She didn't move for a minute and BAM! My mindset pivoted instantly. Luckily, no injuries occurred and she was fine, but I had much greater appreciation for my kids. Journaling is one of the best ways to keep perspective. Did you know the Huffington Post says people who journal are actually happier? When you process words onto paper, you naturally gain self perspective. I sometimes get caught up in the chaos of my day to day life with 2 littles and my perspective is as wide as "how to survive the next 2 hours". Journaling helps us to step back, be mindful, and feel a more gratitude in our life. Who can pass that up during the Easter season? I can't tell you how many times I flip through the 18 years of my Beau's journal and realize how quickly her first 3 years has already gone. The days are long, but journaling helps you remember they are only this age for a short time. Soak up whatever age and stage you are in! Get one of our prompted journals and easily record the magic of the first Easter egg hunt, or their terror meeting the Easter bunny for the first time! Whatever their story is, let our journals help you gain perspective.